With the volume and complexity of cybersecurity increasing by the day, data protection is now at top-of-mind for business leaders.
In the face of this new wave of professional hackers, Kyocera has once again raised its fighting spirit, taking a proactive approach to ensuring its highest possible level data protection for its devices.
Kyocera was extremely proud to receive the prestigious Keypoint Intelligence Security Validation Testing certificate for its Evolution Series during its REIMAGINE dealer conference, which took place June 1-3, 2022 in San Antonio, Texas.
The rigorous examination focused on both automated cyberattacks and white hat hacking and involved attempted Device Penetration of the firmware and underlying OS.
According to Anthony Sci, President and CEO of Keypoint Intelligence, the Evolution Series – represented by the TASKalfa 3554ci – passed the test “with flying colors.”
Our K-Level security is Kyocera’s highest firmware level of security, providing Evolution Series users with a reliable and highly-recommended product.
The following are just some of the reasons behind our Keypoint Intelligence success:
K-Level represents the Kyocera security firmware that comes standard in the device.
We’ve combined decades of industry experience to produce a robust range of A3 MFPs that are secure, efficient and reliable and that won 12 BLI 2024 Awards, including A3 Line of the Year, from Keypoint Intelligence
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